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Ken J

Laziness is mother of creativity.

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There are couple ways to use Kajiki.

  1. The easier way: use preset option parser and daemonization.
  2. The harder way: semi-DIY

The Easier Way

The .preset_options(preset) method sets up a predefined command-line option parser. Possible options for preset are: :minimal, :simple, and :server. It also parses a command; either start or stop.

Pass the options object from above and a block to the .run(opts) method to kick things off. The block should evaluate the command and do things accordingly. The block is executed after all the options are processed for the start command; for the stop command, the block is executed prior to termination.

A Sinatra Based Server

A example of a Sinatra modular server that responds with current time.

require 'kajiki'
require 'sinatra/base'

class Server < Sinatra::Base
  get '/time' { }

opts = Kajiki.preset_options(:server) do |command|
  case command
  when 'start'!(bind: opts[:address], port: opts[:port])
  when 'stop'
    puts "Terminating PID #{[:pid])}..."

Help would look like this.

$ ruby server.rb -h
Usage: server.rb [options] {start|stop}
  -a, --address=<s>    Bind to address (default:
  -d, --daemonize      Run in the background
  -e, --error=<s>      Output error to file
  -g, --group=<s>      Group to run as
  -l, --log=<s>        Log output to file
  -P, --pid=<s>        Store PID to file
  -p, --port=<i>       Use port (default: 4567)
  -u, --user=<s>       User to run as
  -h, --help           Show this message

Running the server with some options. The command can be anywhere.

$ ruby server.rb -d -e ~/server.error -l ~/server.log -P ~/ -p 7777 start
$ curl
2015-02-24 22:56:34 -0800

To stop the server, only the PID file is essential.

$ ruby server.rb -P ~/ stop

Toggling Options

Some options can be toggled from the default by calling the method like this.

Kajiki.preset_options(:server, {config: true, error: false, user: false})

This would produce a slightly different help from the above.

$ ruby server.rb -h
Usage: server.rb [options] {start|stop}
  -a, --address=<s>    Bind to address (default:
  -c, --config=<s>     Load config from file
  -d, --daemonize      Run in the background
  -l, --log=<s>        Log output to file
  -P, --pid=<s>        Store PID to file
  -p, --port=<i>       Use port (default: 4567)
  -h, --help           Show this message

The Harder Way

Coming soon.